Facebook post: 5th August 2020

Over the past couple days I have been stuck in North Shields waiting for some weather to blow over. Although it is frustrating you can’t beat the weather so you’ve got to just be patient!
A huge thanks to Royal Quays Marina though where I have been berthed who helped me out with everything from berthing to laundry and a bit of local knowledge for the navigation on my next leg!
I have also met some interesting people during my stay which has been great. Starting off with the absolute maritime legend David Scott Cowper. He is best known for being the first person to sail solo round the world in both directions and the first to successfully sail solo round the world via the northwest passage. Overall he has completed 6 circumnavigations, 8 Northwest passage transits and whole raft of other things. Not to mention the fact that he shows no signs of stopping given he plans on doing the
Golden Globe Race in 2022!
I had the pleasure of showing him round Alchemy and talking him through my trip as well as taking as much advice as possible from him!
I also met Graeme who has refit his boat and is now living on it with his parrot Mango! And yes he does talk, but with a Geordie accent which was hilarious!
Tomorrow I plan on carrying on up the coast and soon I’ll be in Scotland!