Facebook post: 9th August 2020

In the early hours of this morning after a long and slow night across the Firth of Fourth I decided to change course and head to Stonehaven.
I was already 3 hours behind and I wasn’t going to arrive in Peterhead for another 15 hours.
Although it was annoying I didn’t have much choice and there was no point really carrying on!
So now tomorrow I’m heading to Peterhead and then Whitehills the day after.
However, It wasn’t a bad sail over from Eyemouth. I saw the best sunset on my trip yet and up until midnight we had really nice sailing conditions! I’d also like to say a huge thanks to Expedition Foods
who have helped with keeping me fuelled up on these long trips where I don’t have a lot of time to focus on cooking and Expedition foods’ meals are the perfect solution!